Angļu rakstnieks Ians Makjuans ir sarakstījis vairākus romānus, scenārijus un filmu adaptācijas, kā arī ticis nominēts dažādām balvām. Šī bakalaura darba mērķis ir personisko identitāti un ētiku Iana Makjuana romānos ‘Nepārejošā mīlestība’ un ‘Piedošana’. Lai sasniegtu bakalaura darba mērķi, tika izvirzīti šādi uzdevumi: abu romānu kritisko recenziju pārskats, attiecīgas teorētiskas literatūras pārskats, romānu ‘Nepārejošā mīlestība’ un ‘Piedošana’ galveno varoņu apskats. Bakalaura darba izpētes metodes ir teksta analīze un interpretācija. Šī bakalaura darba rezultāti ļāva secināt, ka lielākā daļa no apskatītajiem varoņiem gan ‘Nepārejošā mīlestībā’, gan ‘Piedošanā’ ir dinamiski, viņu personiskā identitāte un ētiskie uzskati mainījās romānu...
Jacques Lacan’s (1901-1981) theory of subjectivity provides literary criticism with an authentic app...
The paper analyzes Ian McEwan’s short story “Conversation with a Cupboard Man” (published in 1975) a...
Contemporary British writer Ian McEwan explored various themes as he progressed from his early ficti...
THESIS ABSTRACT Ian McEwan belongs to one of the prominent contemporary British authors. His work of...
Il s’agira ici de prendre la mesure de l’étendue et du caractère fécond mais aussi des limites de l’...
Šī maģistra darbs ir veltīts pētījumam par Iana Makjuana (Ian McEwan) romāna "Piedošana" (‘Atonement...
Praca „Troubled Relationship in Ian McEwan’s Novels; Atonement, On Chesil Beach and The Children Act...
This article aims to show why Ian McEwan is so obsessed with relationships, as well as with other so...
W niniejszym tekście autorka analizuje najpierw stanowisko współczesnego brytyjskiego pisarza Iana M...
The present paper aims to focus on the relationship between narrative and human identity and the pro...
Ian McEwan regénye a Vágy és Vezeklés és a film adaptáció (aminek szintén Vágy és Vezeklés a címe és...
Cílem této bakalářské práce bylo analyzovat tři romány současného britského autora, vítěze prestižní...
THESIS ABSTRACT Ian McEwan belongs to one of the prominent contemporary British authors. His work of...
The nucleus of this study is a reflection concerning the novel Atonement, by Ian McEwan, with the ob...
Resumo: Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o romance Sábado, de Ian McEwan, e apontar como o te...
Jacques Lacan’s (1901-1981) theory of subjectivity provides literary criticism with an authentic app...
The paper analyzes Ian McEwan’s short story “Conversation with a Cupboard Man” (published in 1975) a...
Contemporary British writer Ian McEwan explored various themes as he progressed from his early ficti...
THESIS ABSTRACT Ian McEwan belongs to one of the prominent contemporary British authors. His work of...
Il s’agira ici de prendre la mesure de l’étendue et du caractère fécond mais aussi des limites de l’...
Šī maģistra darbs ir veltīts pētījumam par Iana Makjuana (Ian McEwan) romāna "Piedošana" (‘Atonement...
Praca „Troubled Relationship in Ian McEwan’s Novels; Atonement, On Chesil Beach and The Children Act...
This article aims to show why Ian McEwan is so obsessed with relationships, as well as with other so...
W niniejszym tekście autorka analizuje najpierw stanowisko współczesnego brytyjskiego pisarza Iana M...
The present paper aims to focus on the relationship between narrative and human identity and the pro...
Ian McEwan regénye a Vágy és Vezeklés és a film adaptáció (aminek szintén Vágy és Vezeklés a címe és...
Cílem této bakalářské práce bylo analyzovat tři romány současného britského autora, vítěze prestižní...
THESIS ABSTRACT Ian McEwan belongs to one of the prominent contemporary British authors. His work of...
The nucleus of this study is a reflection concerning the novel Atonement, by Ian McEwan, with the ob...
Resumo: Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o romance Sábado, de Ian McEwan, e apontar como o te...
Jacques Lacan’s (1901-1981) theory of subjectivity provides literary criticism with an authentic app...
The paper analyzes Ian McEwan’s short story “Conversation with a Cupboard Man” (published in 1975) a...
Contemporary British writer Ian McEwan explored various themes as he progressed from his early ficti...